Top SwiftUI App Templates — Xcode Source Codes

3 min readOct 8, 2022


Apple introduced SwiftUI in 2019 and the framework has been evolving at a rapid pace ever since.

This year we saw a lot of new trends in the apps, from NFT and Crypto to the all-new iOS 16 Lock Screen Widgets.

What is an iOS App Template?

An app template is a fully functional iOS app built using Xcode. In other words, an app template is a full source code that anyone without a lot of programming experience could use and upload that app template on the App Store.

1) NFT Generator

At the beginning of 2022, everyone was talking and starting their own NFT project. This app allows users to provide their own layers for an NFT like head, body, eyewear, etc. and the app generates all possible combinations.

SwiftUI Source Code — NFT Generator

Just do a quick search on the App Store to see some of the most popular apps using this source code.

Get the NFT Generator Source Code

2) Habit Tracker

One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to become a better person and do better in the new year. This Habit Tracker source code is still one of the Top iOS App Templates, featuring different Statistics, Stunning UI, and a list of Trending Habits.

SwiftUI Source Code — Habit Tracker

This app has full support for dark mode, in-app purchases, Core Data, and more. Successful habit-tracking apps are making $50,000/month according to SensorTower reports.

Get the Habit Tracker Source Code

3) Daily Journal

This next iOS app continues the trend of health/personal development app ideas, which saw a huge spike in 2022. The Daily Journal app is using SwiftUI + Core Data, with an easy-to-use design, this Top iOS App Template supports password protection, inspirational quotes, daily check-ins, and mood tracking.

SwiftUI Source Code — Daily Journal

You have probably noticed the similarities in the design between Daily Journal and Habit Tracker. This is done on purpose, to allow developers to combine these 2 app templates into a powerful iOS app.

Get the Daily Journal Source Code

4) Launcher — iOS 16 Lock Screen Widget

The new iOS 16 Lock Screen is amazing. So many possibilities to customize your iPhone. App launchers are a great way to use the new iOS 16 Lock Screen widgets. Just a day later after iOS 16 became available for the public, the App Store Top Charts were flooded with Lock Screen Widgets.

SwiftUI Source Code — Launcher for iOS 16 Lock Screen

One of the Top Paid lock screen Launcher apps was making $25,000/day at the peak when iOS 16 was launched. TikTok went crazy and lots of organic traffic helped many developers to enter the Top Charts on the App Store.

Get the Launcher Source Code


While there are many other app templates worth mentioning, you check over 90+ iOS App Templates from Apps4World here, but the idea with app templates is very simple: If you want to publish your first iOS app or your 10th app, don’t spend hundreds or thousands of design/development hours, use an app template to save time and get quick feedback from your potential users. Then iterate and develop new features on top of that app template.

Apps4World marketplace compressed thousands of hours of research/design/development into fully functional Source Codes, so you can go live with your next big app idea within hours.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to send an email to, or if you are looking to become an investor/partner, you can reach out to

Thanks for reading!




Publish iOS apps within hours | iOS App Source Code | App Templates